Livro: Biodiversidade no Município de Sorocaba
Livros de resumos
Conectando Peixes, Rios e Pessoas: conservação de peixes e a importância de riachos íntegros
Biodiversidade no Campus UNIP Sorocaba
Artigos científicos
Castro, R. M. C.; Polaz, C. N. M. Small-sized fish: the largest and most threatened portion of the megadiverse neotropical freshwater fish fauna. Biota Neotropica 20(1), 2020.
Shin, J. Korea's Dam Removal Campaign, and the Restoration of Four Major River. KFEM Activist, 2019.
Nessimian, J. L. et al. Land use, habitat integrity, and aquatic insect assemblages in Central Amazonian streams. Hydrobiology, 614: 117-131, 2018.
Petersen Jr, R. C. The RCE: a Riparian, Channel, and Environmental Inventory for small streams in the agricultural landscape. Freshwater Biology, 27: 295-306, 1992.
Ribeiro-Brasil, D. R. G. et al. Contamination of stream fish by plastic waste in the Brazilian Amazon. Environmental Pollution, 266, 2020.
Roni, P.; Beechie, T.; Pess, G.; Hanson, K. Wood placement in river restoration: fact, fiction, and future direction. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 72: 466-478, 2015.
Peck, D. V.; Lazorchak, J. M.; Klemm, D. J. Environmental monitoring and assessment program-surface waters: western pilot study field operations manual for wadeable streams. Western Pilot Field Operations Manual for Wadeable Streams, 1: 1-58, 2001.
Stout, J. C. et al. Passive recovery of wood loads in rivers. Water Resources Research, 2018.
Davies-Colley, R. J. et al. Modelling the time course of shade, temperature, and wood recovery in streams with riparian forest restoration. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, 43: 673-688, 2009.
De Oliveira-Junior, J. M. B. et al. Effects of human disturbance and riparian conditions on Odonata (Insecta) assemblages in eastern Amazon basin streams. Limnologica, 2017.
Juen, L. et al. Effects of oil palm plantations on the habitat structure and biota of streams im eastern Amazon. River Res. Appl., 2016.
Ferreira, M. C. et al. Effects of oil palm plantations on habitat structure and fish
assemblages in Amazon streams. Environ Biol Fish, 101: 547-562, 2018.
Leal, C. G. et al. Integrated terrestrial-freshwater planning doubles conservation of tropical aquatic species. Science, 370: 117:121, 2020.
Leitão, R. P. et al. Disentangling the pathways of land use impacts on the functional
structure of fish assemblages in Amazon streams. Ecography, 41: 219-232, 2018.
Montag, L. F. A. et al. Land cover, riparian zones and instream habitat influence
stream fish assemblages in the eastern Amazon. Ecol Freshw Fish, 1-13, 2018.